2022 Year in Review

2022 was a monumental year for Funders for LGBTQ Issues— we celebrated our fortieth anniversary, held our first in-person gathering in over three years, and marked Saida Agostini-Bostic’s first year as President. It was a year of joy and queer-world building in the face of constant and brutal attacks on our community, particularly our trans and gender nonconforming youth. 

It can feel audacious to celebrate in times like these.

Since the start of the year, over 340 anti-LGBTQ bills have been proposed in state legislatures across the country (150 of which target TGNC communities) while our most recent tracking report found that LGBTQ philanthropy is stagnating in at the time it is needed the most.

Still, we take this moment to reflect on the last year of our work with one simple truth in mind: we can win. LGBTQ movements across the country are asking philanthropy to show up with all of the brilliance, generosity, care and intention this moment calls for. Our network is drawing on all of our hard fought learnings from the past forty years to organize alongside LGBTQ movements in service of a future we all deserve. 

Our 2022 annual recap is a testimony to what happens when our membership organizes together in service of a world where we are all free. 

We invite you to look back on our last year of organizing in hopes it will root you in the work to come.