Virginia Tech – LGBTQ+ Resource Center


The LGBTQ+ Resource Center at Virginia Tech was opened on August 15, 2016. This is the first time a dedicated center with a full-time staff member is in place at Virginia Tech. Previously, a student-run center was overseen by HokiePRIDE. The current LGBTQ+ Resource Center would not be possible without the advocacy and support of many past and present LGBTQ+ students, faculty, and staff representing HokiePRIDE (formerly LGBTA), the LGBT Staff and Faculty Caucus, previous LGBTQ+ coordinators, and the Ex Lapide Alumni Society.We thank you for your energy and fierce advocacy.

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This post is part of the Out in the South Assets Database Beta Site developed in 2018. The organization or entities featured on this page are not affiliated with Funders for LGBTQ Issues and information provided here may not be up to date.