TRANSformational Grantmaking: Understanding Gender Identity to Increase Impact

TRANSformational Grantmaking: Understanding Gender Identity to Increase Impact

13sep9:00 am11:00 amTRANSformational Grantmaking: Understanding Gender Identity to Increase Impact9:00 am - 11:00 am(GMT+00:00)

Event Details

As funders have committed themselves to reduce inequity, there is a growing recognition that transgender and gender nonconforming people – who often use the acronym TGNC – face a constellation of barriers in education, justice, health services, workforce training, employment and other programmatic areas funders support. TGNC people have also faced discrimination within the rights movements for women, immigrants, lesbian and gay communities, and people of color. However, TGNC people have achieved huge advances by working intersectionally and across movements, despite their work receiving just .015% of philanthropic resources. By understanding and intentionally prioritizing TGNC issues, funders could transform their work on many complex social issues, advance equity, and increase impact across all programmatic areas.

Please join us to explore the movement for TGNC rights and justice and its connections to broader movements.  Our discussion will be framed by issues arising in the areas of education, workforce development, health and justice reform, and will explore how intentional inclusion of a TGNC focus can address inequality and improve life outcomes across a broader population. A panel of advocates and funders will share stories of successful strategies to hear and act upon the needs of TGNC communities.

This program is for funders at all points on the continuum of understanding – whether you’re just starting to learn or you have been connected to the TGNC movement for years.


  • Why learning from and investing in TGNC communities could improve your grantmaking
  • Challenges and opportunities for grantmaking to improve outcomes for TGNC people
  • Crosscurrents in the movements for TGNC people, women, immigrants and people of color
  • Insights from practitioners and activists who have built effective coalitions and programs that address TGNC issues


Designed for

All interested funders.


8:45 – 9:00 AM Check-in
9:00 – 11:00 AM Program

Members: To register yourself and/or a colleague at your organization, please log in and click the Register Now link above. (no fee)

Non-Member Funders: Please email [email protected]. This event is free for Members of Philanthropy New York and Funders for LGBTQ Issues. Non-member registration is $150.

Please email [email protected] with any questions.

Sponsored by:

Funders for Gender Equity and Funders for LGBTQ Issues


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