New Funding Opportunities Resource Page

New Funding Opportunities Resource Page

By: Funders for LGBTQ Issues Staff on September 17, 2019

One of the most valuable roles we can play as a philanthropic network is to act as a resource hub and information source for our both our membership and the larger philanthropic community. We also recognize that we play an important role as a source of information about philanthropy for the broader LGBTQ and social justice movements. Our research and reports are used by foundations and advocates alike to identify opportunities for funding and improved impact. Our newsletter and social media posts are read by thousands to stay informed of the latest updates in the field, and our jobs board features listings from across the sector. In our latest strategic plan we have recommitted ourselves to serving as a resource hub and thought leader on LGBTQ philanthropy, and are continually expanding the resources we offer the field.

One of the resources that has become an increasingly valued asset for funders in our network and LGBTQ organizations alike is our list of open requests for proposals (RFPs) and other funding opportunities in our monthly newsletter. Today, in response to this growing interest, we are excited to announce a brand new funding resources page on our website! This new resource will serve as a dedicated hub for active RFPs and other funding opportunities. We hope this tool will will help foundations expand the reach of their RFPs by providing a dedicated page where LGBTQ organizations and projects can learn about a range of funding opportunities available, in real time.

For now, funders can submit listings via email for approval as we work to launch an automated submission form in the next few weeks. If you are a grantmaking institution that would like to post an RFP or other funding opportunity to this board, please email [email protected] with details about the opportunity.

We’re always looking for opportunities to offer valued resources and information to philanthropy and beyond. We look forward to continuing to update the resource and services we offer.

Image note: Photo by Micheile Henderson on Unsplash

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