Census 2020 and Disinformation

Census 2020 and Disinformation

23oct2:00 pmCensus 2020 and Disinformation2:00 pm(GMT+00:00)

Event Details

Wednesday, October 23 at 2pm-3pm ET | 1pm-2pm CT | 12pm-1pm MT | 11am-12pm PT

To attend the webinar you must RSVP here. You will then receive the webinar log-in information.

Hosted by Arab American Institute, Bauman Foundation, Data & Society, Funders Census Initiative 

This briefing on disinformation and the 2020 Census will cover:

· What defines disinformation/disinformation 101

· How individuals and organizations can help combat disinformation

· How to flag and report content to the Census Bureau and census hub groups

Moderated by: Karen Narasaki, Consultant to the Bauman Foundation

Speakers: Maya Berry and Suher Adi, Arab American Institute;

Emma Margolin and Charley Johnson, Data&Society

Note: This briefing is open to funders and field partners. Please feel free to share with colleagues who you think may be interested in this topic.

Cosponsors: ABFE, Chesapeake Bay Funders Network, Council on Foundations, Economic Opportunity Funders, Environmental Grantmakers Association, Forefront, Funders for LGBTQ Issues, Funders Together to End Homelessness, Grantmakers Concerned with Immigrants and Refugees, Grantmakers Council of Rhode Island, Grantmakers In Health, Hispanics in Philanthropy, Minnesota Council of Foundations, National Committee for Responsive Philanthropy, NY Funder Alliance, Philanthropy California, Philanthropy Massachusetts, Philanthropy Network Greater Philadelphia, Philanthropy New York, Philanthropy Northwest, Sustainable Agriculture & Food Systems Funders, United Philanthropy Forum