Montrose Softball League Association


The Montrose Softball League Association (MSLA) is dedicated to the promotion of amateur softball for all persons regardless of age, race, creed, religion, sex, or national origin, with special emphasis placed on the participation of members of the gay community of Greater Houston. The goal of the league is to provide a sports outlet for individuals as a way to meet and interact with like-minded people in the spirit of friendly competition in an environment that promotes good health and fitness. The MSLA is divided into various divisions relative to a player’s skill level. The league also encourages the involvement of non-playing members who are considered members in good standing and accrue all the benefits thereof. During the course of the season the league holds various fundraisers and at the end of the season an awards banquet is held where we honor individual and team achievement, thank our sponsors, and donate monies to our league charities. We are proud of our league’s continued growth and accomplishments over the years and we look forward to serving the gay sports community of Greater Houston for years to come.

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This post is part of the Out in the South Assets Database Beta Site developed in 2018. The organization or entities featured on this page are not affiliated with Funders for LGBTQ Issues and information provided here may not be up to date.