2016’s Top 20 LGBTQ Philanthropoids on Twitter

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2016’s Top 20 LGBTQ Philanthropoids on Twitter

By: Andrew Wallace on November 6, 2016

It’s that time of year again … Who are you following on Twitter? Check out our 4th annual list of #LGBTQ philanthropoids to follow on Twitter!

(Click to see previous lists from 2015,2014 and 2013).

Our 2016 list includes amazing leaders who span several generations of experience in philanthropy and provide critical and often funny commentary about the field, politics, social justice, pop culture, and everyday life. Scroll down to learn more!

@a3mandel (Amy Mandel)

Principal of the Mandel Rodis Fund (@MandelRodis). Tweets on a range of social justice issues with a special focus on North Carolina.

@BraedenLentz (Braeden Lentz)

Managing Director at the Solidaire Network. Regularly tweets about and re-tweets important racial justice messages.

@cmgpino (Catherine Pino)

Arcus Foundation (@ArcusLGBT) Board Member. Tweets about politics and highlights Latino Leaders.

@cmmaudain (Chris Audain)

Program Officer at the Alphawood Foundation (@AlphawoodFdn). Regularly shares his takes on politics, the arts, and more.

@efragu (Efrain Gutierrez)

Senior Consultant at FSG (@FSGtweets). Follow Efrain for a roundup of the many conferences he attends in addition to useful tips for foundations and nonprofits alike.

@gabrielblau (Gabriel Blau)

Philanthropic consultant and father. Tweets about LGBTQ families, LGBTQ youth, and more.

@JaceWoodrum (Jace Woodrum)

Communications Director at the Gill Foundation (@GillFoundation). This “Southern gentleman living in the West” tweets on a wide range of topics.

@jzimmlove (Jessica Zimmerman)

Program Officer at Pfund (@PFundFoundation). Tweets about philanthropy and LGBTQ issues in the Midwest.

@KarinaClaudiob (Karina Claudio Betancourt)

Program Officer at Open Society Foundations (@OpenSociety). Updates on LGBTQ Issues and Puerto Rico.

@KateKendell (Kate Kendell)

Board member of The California Endowment (@CalEndow) and Executive Director of National Center for Lesbian Rights (@NCLRights). Tweets about parenthood, pop culture, and bringing down the patriarchy.

@KatherineAcey (Katherine Acey)

A co-founder of Funders For LGBTQ Issues (@LGBTfunders) and former Executive Director of Astraea Lesbian Foundation for Justice (@AstraeaUpdates). Katherine has just joined twitter and we can’t wait to see what kinds of wisdom she chooses to share.

@LFVivaldi (Luis Vivaldi)

Program Associate at Foundation for a Just Society (@FJS). Fun tweets on just about everything, including pop culture and philanthropy.

@m_watts (Marin Watts)

The newest staff person at Trans Justice Funding Project (@TransJusticeFP). Recently increased twitter activity, tweeting about trans issues.

@MiabiChatterji (Miabi Chatterji)

Program Officer for the LGBTQ Racial Justice Fund (@LGBTQRacialJust). Tweets on racial justice and the X Files.

@NakLew (Nakisha Lewis)

Senior Strategist, Safety at the Ms. Foundation (@msfoundation). Prolific tweeter, who invites you into her life and shares all kind of wisdom with you, from what to do in Greece to observations of segregation in everyday life.

@PippinVT (Christopher Kaufman Ilstrup)

Philanthropic Advisor at the Vermont Community Foundation (@vermontcf) leading the Samara Fund (@SamaraFundVT). Tweets about happenings in Vermont, philanthropy, the arts, and more.

@ryanlidahlstrom (Ryan Li Dahlstrom)

Philanthropic consultant to the Trans Funding Working Group at Funders for LGBTQ Issues (@LGBTfunders) and board member of Astraea Lesbian Foundation for Justice (@AstraeaUpdates). Follow Ryan Li for a good dose of social justice, pop culture, and fitness tips.

@ToriMiyagi (Tori YM Miyagi)

Program Manager and deputy principal of the Latino Engagement Fund at the Democracy Alliance. Follow for tweets on politics, food pics, and more.

@trendyBS (Brian Schultz)

Community Outreach Manager at the Foundation Center – Cleveland (@FCCleveland). Humor filled tweets, good philanthropy tips, and Cleveland pride saturate Brian’s feed.

@YoursTrulyBeee (Bianca Alston)

Finance and Operations Assistant at Arcus Foundation (@ArcusLGBT). Tweets on everything and anything, but it is always interesting.

And of course, don’t forget to follow @LGBTfunders and our amazing staff:

@BenFranciscoM (Ben Francisco Maulbeck)

President of @LGBTfunders. Star Trek, super-heroes, social justice, and philanthropy.

@lylematthewkan (Lyle Matthew Kan)

LGBT rights advocate. Political junkie. Known to tweet whimsical pop-culture tidbits.

@marvinwebb (Marvin Webb)

Non-profit avenger. Financial statement sage. Ex-dancer. Organizer of members, convenings, and staff.

@naa_tweets (Naa Hammond)

Queer African feminist. Tweets on social justice, somatics and philanthropy.

@sebio34 (Rebecca Wisotsky)

Follow Rebecca for thoughtful updates on social justice, being an emerging leader in philanthropy, and life as a queer, Puerto-Rican, jew from New Mexico.

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