A Historic Gift to Funders for LGBTQ Issues




A Historic Gift to Funders for LGBTQ Issues

By: Funders for LGBTQ Issues Staff on June 15, 2021

Funders for LGBTQ Issues is honored to be among the 286 high-impact organizations to receive funding from MacKenzie Scott in the most recent round of awards from the philanthropist announced today. This historic $3 million gift will have a profound impact on our ability to increase the scale and impact of philanthropic resources aimed at enhancing the well-being of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer communities, promote equity, and advance racial, economic, and gender justice.

This award to Funders for LGBTQ Issues represents only a small part of Scott’s funding for LGBTQ+ equity and comes in her third distribution of funds towards her commitment to fulfilling the Giving Pledge. “This award serves as a powerful validation of the relevance of the mission and work of Funders for LGTBQ Issues, and the persistent need for increased philanthropic investment in LGBTQ communities,” said Rebecca Wisotsky, National Director of Philanthropic Outreach at Funders for LGBTQ Issues. “It comes with a clear mandate to bring bold approaches to the way we invite philanthropy to be more accountable to the LGBTQ community over the next decade.” 

In the announcement posted this week, Scott named the critical role of social sector infrastructure in advancing equity and articulated the unique role organizations like Funders for LGBTQ Issues and our peers serve. “Social sector infrastructure organizations empower community leaders, support grassroots organizing and innovation, measure and evaluate what works, and disseminate the information so that community leaders, elected officials, volunteers, employees, and donors at every level of income can make informed decisions about how to partner and invest,” Scott wrote in her award announcement. We are pleased to be among so many other excellent philanthropic advocacy organizations in this round of funding, including the partners in our CHANGE Philanthropy family.  

This historic gift arrives at a pivotal time for Funders for LGBTQ Issues and the wider philanthropic sector. These funds offer the organization and its next leader a truly unique opportunity to imagine the future of our work together. As the organization prepares to welcome a new president and looks ahead to a 40th anniversary in 2022, we will embark on a strategic planning process that will engage the board, staff, and our members in the drafting of the next chapter of Funders for LGBTQ Issues. 

About Funders for LGBTQ Issues

Funders for LGBTQ Issues is a network of more than 85 foundations, corporations, and funding institutions working to increase the scale and impact of philanthropic resources aimed at enhancing the well-being of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer communities, promoting equity, and advancing racial, economic and gender justice. Learn more about our work here.


Image note: Photo by Jose Pablo Garcia on Unsplash

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