Big Changes at Funders for LGBTQ Issues

Big Changes at Funders for LGBTQ Issues

By: Ben Francisco Maulbeck on July 15, 2020

It is with mixed emotions I share with you a staffing update from Funders for LGBTQ Issues. After more than seven and a half years of service, Funders for LGBTQ Issues is saying goodbye to Lyle Matthew Kan, Vice President of Research and Communications, on August 7th. 

Starting August 10th, Lyle will begin a Senior Fellowship with CHANGE Philanthropy and work with Asian American/Pacific Islanders in Philanthropy (AAPIP) as the Interim Vice President of Programs. In this critical moment of overdue societal transformation, Lyle will be bringing his expertise to the broader field of social justice philanthropy, working to advance racial, economic, and gender justice.

Being a part of the Funders for LGBTQ Issues family has been one of the most personally enriching and rewarding experiences of my entire life. To have worked alongside such incredible colleagues, such a smart board, and such dedicated members and partners to help increase foundation funding for LGBTQ issues from $121 million a year when I started to more than $209 million a year by our latest count makes me believe that impossible goals can be made real, even in difficult circumstances. At this particular moment in time, one of long overdue societal transformation, I could not be more excited to be joining CHANGE Philanthropy and AAPIP to further advance racial, economic, and gender justice in philanthropy. Of course, I look forward to continuing to be in touch with all of my friends in the sector and partnering with you all in these new roles!
Lyle Matthew Kan, outgoing Vice President of Research and Communications

Lyle joined the organization as a consultant in early 2013 in advance of our first Funding Forward, held in Albuquerque that year. We quickly recognized that his communications expertise and relationship-building skills were invaluable assets, and hired him as Director Research & Communications. Under his leadership, we built upon our successful annual tracking report to develop an entire suite of research, reports, and infographics on LGBTQ philanthropy. Lyle was the architect of what has now become our trademark infographic format, combining compelling data with powerful visualizations. He has strengthened our brand and visibility in both social media and traditional media. He authored several of our most impactful reports, such as our first Out in the South report and The Philanthropic Closet. He also expanded our public policy work, including issuing our first public comments and standing in opposition to anti-trans policy rules proposed by the Trump administration as part of our Grantmakers United for Trans Communities Initiative. 

Lyle has been a tremendous contributor to the mission of Funders through building out an extensive research and communications strategy. This work has raised the visibility of intersectional LGBTQ issues in philanthropy resulting in remarkable increases in support for our communities. He’s also been a steadfast partner among our social justice philanthropic network peers demonstrating deep solidarity and support across many issues and communities, which makes his move to CHANGE and AAPIP all the more impactful and meaningful. On behalf of the Funders board, I want to thank Lyle for his over 7 years of service and commitment to LGBTQ communities and social justice movements.
Rickke Mananzala, Chair of the Board of Directors of Funders for LGBTQ issues

We are sad to see Lyle go, but also glad that he’s staying in the CHANGE family, and that the Funders team will continue to get to work with him as he brings his talents to AAPIP and the entire CHANGE Philanthropy coalition. I’m personally sad to say farewell to Lyle shortly before my own transition out of Funders. He’s brought so many skills and assets to Funders over the past seven years: his strategic thinking around communications, his warm and affable style, his deep understanding of research and data visualization, his wonderful optimism, and of course his vast knowledge of Oscar Awards-related trivia. I’m deeply appreciative of all that he has brought to Funders over these past seven and a half years, of all the ways that he’s enriched our team, our network, and our mission.

In this moment of transitions and fond farewells, we also look forward to a moment of new possibilities and opportunities. I’m confident that all of the impactful work we’ve done in recent years is only a prologue for the even bigger and greater things to come in the next epoch.

Take Care,





Ben Francisco Maulbeck
President, Funders for LGBTQ Issues

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