Celebrating Marvin Webb – Transitions at Funders for LGBTQ Issues

Celebrating Marvin Webb – Transitions at Funders for LGBTQ Issues

By: Saida Agostini-Bostic on September 18, 2023

It is with pride, along with sadness and excitement, Funders for LGBTQ Issues shares that after thirteen years, Marvin Webb will be transitioning from his role as Chief Financial Officer. He will be leaving at the end of September to become the inaugural executive director of the Nonprofit Financial Commons (NFC). Marvin’s careful and thoughtful stewardship of the organization’s human resources and finances has not only ensured its long term sustainability, but has also offered new innovations and strategies to those in the philanthropic sector seeking to deepen their commitment to equity and justice.

Marvin’s vision, counsel and expertise have been sought after by peers in philanthropy and have helped build a strong network of leaders working towards a more inclusive world. We are so excited for his continued leadership within the field and have no doubt that his unique blend of rigor and compassion will continue to create lasting positive change, shaping the future of the nonprofit sector.

Marvin has been with Funders for LGBTQ Issues through many seasons of change, having worked with three presidents and two interim executive directors. As staff have transitioned out of the organization for new and exciting roles, he’s always made a point of saying they weren’t leaving but graduating. We are so honored to get to celebrate Marvin’s own graduation at this year’s Funding Forward conference in Chicago.

We hope you can join us in wishing him well in his new endeavors as Executive Director of NFC. 

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