How Much Funding Went to LGBTQ Communities in 2019? Help Us Find Out!

How Much Funding Went to LGBTQ Communities in 2019? Help Us Find Out!

By: Funders for LGBTQ Issues Staff on July 13, 2020

For more than a decade, we have tracked and analyzed funding for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) issues. Our annual tracking report raises the visibility of LGBTQ issues in philanthropy by highlighting funding trends over time and helping grantmakers identify opportunities, gaps, and partners to strengthen their work in strategic ways. In the face of the enormous uncertainty our movements and our sector face in the months and years ahead, we are more committed than ever to continue our resource tracking efforts. However, we cannot do this work without your participation.

Each summer, we launch an appeal for LGBTQ grantmaking data, asking foundations to help us produce the most accurate research possible. While our team will invest many hours in the coming months to review publicly available reports and resources, your direct submissions of grantmaking data are essential to the success of this project. 

If your foundation has made any grants supporting organizations or programs that specifically focus on an LGBTQ issue in the calendar-year 2019, please consider submitting your data. We encourage you to use this simple Excel submission template to report your grantmaking. As you prepare your information, please note:


  • Grantee’s Name, City, State and/or Country
  • Grant Amount and Grant Duration (i.e. to be spent over 1, 2, 3 or 4+ years)
  • A brief description of each grant


As you prepare your information, please note:

  1. We track donor-advised giving, so please include donor-advised grants to LGBTQ programs and organizations and indicate which grants are donor-advised.
  2. We track LGBTQ scholarships and fellowships awarded to individuals either on the basis of their sexual orientation or gender identity or for LGBTQ work, so please include such scholarships and fellowships.
  3. We report based on grant awards, not disbursements. Please report the full amount of each grant awarded in the 2019 calendar year for LGBTQ programs and organizations and do not include disbursements from grants awarded in previous years. In the case of multi-year awards, please report the award amount for the full duration of the grant. 
  4. In order to better capture the range of funding to LGBTQ communities, we also kindly request that you include any HIV/AIDS grants specifically focused on LGBTQ people, as well as any funding for multi-issue or intersectional issues specifically focused on LGBTQ people.

How to Report Your Grants


We will accept submissions until Friday, September 18th!

If your foundation made any grants that meet the above criteria in 2019, we would love to hear from you!  Please send your 2019 calendar year LGBTQ grants docket via email to [email protected] by Friday, August 14th  Friday, September 18th. From the information you provide, each grant will be further classified. The data you provide will be invaluable not only for the annual tracking report but also for our other special reports including our biennial Global Resources Report produced in partnership with Global Philanthropy Project (GPP).

Please submit your grants to
[email protected] – Microsoft Excel format preferred – by Friday, September 18th. If you have any questions, please contact [email protected].



Help us spread the word! If you know of funding institutions in your area moving resources to LGBTQ communities, please share this data request and encourage them to participate in this research.


Image note: Photo by The Creative Exchange on Unsplash

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