International Report Indicates Increases in LGBTI Funding Still Inadequate for Pressing Needs in the Global South and East

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International Report Indicates Increases in LGBTI Funding Still Inadequate for Pressing Needs in the Global South and East

By: Andrew Wallace on November 6, 2016

Funders for LGBTQ Issues has just published its third edition of a report on grantmaking to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) communities in the Global South and East. A Global Gaze: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Intersex Grantmaking in the Global South and East (2010), documents that giving to LGBTI communities in the Global South and East has increased by 35% since our last report in 2007. Although the increase is significant, the report notes that “these numbers, while they represent an increase in the number of grants, dollars, and grantkmakers, are dangerously insufficient” in a current global economic and political context in which there is “a competing stream of support for LGBTI-related issues: U.S.-based evangelical Christian entities…” supporting state-sponsored persecution and punishment of LGBTI people.

The report describes the amount and type of grantmaking for LGBTI populations in the Global South and East, as well as the strategies, issues, and populations funded. In an effort to address the need for more resources and the participation of more funders in this field, this year’s edition includes suggested entry points for funders and interviews with non-LGBTI-specific funders in Africa and South America who have made support of LGBTI issues and initiatives important components of their work. “Increasingly, human rights and social justice funders are recognizing that LGBTI rights and liberation are inextricably bound up with those of the large communities they already fund,” says N. Ordover, Program Director of Funders for LGBTQ Issues, “however their grantmaking practices have not kept up with this understanding, or responded adequately to the urgency of the work.”

Among the report’s findings:

  • Private foundations provided the largest percentage of grant dollars (40.6%). Public foundation provided more than half (57.6%) of all grants made.
  • Human rights was the issue that received the most funding (52%).
  • 72%of all grant dollars were for a one-year duration.
  • The average grant amount was $50,190. The median grant amount was $15,000.
  • 72% of all grants in 2010 went for project support. 19% of grant dollars went to general operating support.
  • Download the report here in English, Spanish, or French.

    Founded in 1982, New York-based Funders for LGBTQ Issues seeks to mobilize philanthropic resources that enhance the well-being of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer communities, promote equity, and advance racial, economic, and gender justice.

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