Meet Our Team: Amara Reese-Hansell

Meet Our Team: Amara Reese-Hansell

By: Funders for LGBTQ Issues Staff on April 17, 2023

Funders for LGBTQ Issues welcomes Amara Reese-Hansell (she/her) as our new Membership Engagement Officer!

We asked Amara a few questions to get to know her better.

What do you do at Funders?

In my new (!!) role at Funders as Member Engagement Officer, I’ll work directly alongside our network of 90+ philanthropic institutions to ensure that our members have ample opportunities to engage with all the impactful resources & programs Funders has to offer. I’m also excited to cultivate new members and expand our network! Additionally, I’ll manage our membership appeal process, design & implement new member engagement strategies, and work on other components of our member support offerings.

Who has inspired your career path most in your life?

Because of my background in youth organizing, I’ve had the opportunity to cross paths with some of the most brilliant, badass, and passionate youth organizers that continue to inspire me. The activists and organizers who dare to dream of a better future even when the challenges feel so enormous and relentless keep me motivated and centered — and serve as a reminder of the change that’s possible when we all come together around a shared vision.

If you could have any one superpower, which would you choose?

I have struggled over one too many pickle jars not to choose super strength. 

We’re so excited to have you join us, Amara!

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