What to Read Before Funding Forward 2017

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What to Read Before Funding Forward 2017

By: Andrew Wallace on March 22, 2017

Funding Forward 2017 is just around the corner and we are eager to welcome over 200 funders and movement leaders to Seattle – our largest convening yet!  As we put the finishing touches on a full program of plenaries and workshops we wanted to give you a taste of some of the issues featured this year. Check out these links for articles, videos, and other content submitted by FF17 presenters. Enjoy!

LGBTQ Assets And Opportunities In The Northwest

Voices of Orlando: How Philanthropy and Community Unified in Response to the Pulse Tragedy Targeting LGBTQ People of Color

Local And National Strategies To Build The Movement To #Endyouthhomelessness

  • This fact sheet from A Way Home America – a national initiative to build the movement to prevent and end homelessness among young people – offers an overview of youth homelessness and this project overview highlights initiative accomplishments. 

A Progressive Vision For Religious Freedom: Reclaiming The Narrative & Norms On Religious Exemptions

Ending Youth Prisons: Why It Matters For LGBTQ Youth Of Color

Addressing  Disparities in the Bisexual Community

Winning at the Intersections: Opportunities for Funding in LGBTQ Rights and Reproductive Justice

Unpacking the “I”: How to Fund Intersex Activism

“No Ban, No Wall”: Protecting LGBTQ Immigrants In A Repressive Climate

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