By: Andrew Wallace on November 6, 2016
Who are you following on Twitter? Get in the know and take a look at our 3rd annual list of #LGBTQ philanthropoids to follow on Twitter!
(Click to see previous lists from 2014 and 2013).
Our 2015 list includes both established and emerging leaders in the field of philanthropy. Their Twitter accounts tackle many issues, including politics, HIV, feminism, foodie-musings, environmental justice, and social justice philanthropy. Scroll down to learn more!
Program Officer with the Cleveland Foundation. Follow Kristi for updates from Cleveland, philanthropy and more!
Program Officer at Astraea Lesbian Foundation for Justice. Follow Mónica for interesting updates on philanthropy, global social justice issues, immigration, and cultural activism.
Program Analyst at Ford Foundation (@fordfoundation). Interesting tweets about organizing (electoral, labor, community), democracy, and nonviolent direct action protests.
Executive Director Delware Valley Legacy Fund (@DVLF). Back on twitter after a 5 year break and sharing the latest updates from the greater Philadelphia region!
Program Manager at International Human Rights Funders Group (@IHRFG). Follow Corinne for info on human rights, feminism, social justice issues and more.
President and CEO of The James Irvine Foundation, sharing regular updates, interesting articles, and information from California!
LGBTQ philanthropist and Co-founder of Facebook. Follow Chris to hear his thoughts on LGBT philanthropy, politics, and progressive issues.
Vice President and Director of Global Health & HIV Policy, Kaiser Family Foundation (@KaiserFamFound). Follow Jennifer for lots of updates on global health and HIV!
Program Director of the California Wellness Foundation. Tweets about important health oral issues; education for foster, homeless & justice-system youth.
Program Officer at Foundation for a Just Society (@FJStweets). Follow Andrea for a unique take on social justice, inclusive feminism, and philanthropy!
Advocate for trans issues, Board member of Arcus Foundation (@ArcusLGBT), Host of #SoPOPular on MSNBC, and Author of RedefiningRealness. Follow Janet’s account to stay in the know about trans activism, all things Beyonce, and more!
Program Officer of the David Bohnett Foundation (@DavidBohnettFdn). Lover of the future, technology and travel.
Program Officer at Open Society Foundations (@OpenSociety). Tweets about the environment, social justice, and development; South Asia, East Africa and beyond.
Vice President of Research, Evaluation and Learning at the Annie E Casey Foundation (@AECFNews). Follow Debra’s awesome account for updates on current affairs, LGBTQ and intersectional issues, and much more!
Strategic Communications at the Ford Foundation (@fordfoundation). Keep in the know on strategic communications and social issues by following Erica’s account!
Vice President of Policy at Gill Foundation (@GillFoundation), former White House LGBT and AAPI liaison. Follow Gautam for poignant updates on policy, politics and philanthropy.
Communications Vice President of Arcus Foundation (@ArcusLGBT). Follow Bryan for interesting tweets on social and environmental justice, politics, food, music and feminism.
Ron McKinley Philanthropy Fellow – Community Innovation at the Bush Foundation (@BushFoundation). Writer, poet, activist around Native American issues.
Philanthropy Consultant with @TransJusticeFP, @EPIPNational and @LGBTFunders. Follow Rebecca for thoughtful updates on social justice, being an emerging leader in philanthropy, and life as a queer, Puerto-Rican, jew from New Mexico.
Director of Third Wave Fund (@3wave) and Board Member of Funders for LGBTQ Issues. Tweets on social justice, philanthropy and the delights of food.
And of course, don’t forget to follow @LGBTfunders and our amazing staff:
President of @LGBTfunders. Star Trek, super-heroes, social justice, and philanthropy.
LGBT rights advocate. Political junkie. Known to tweet whimsical pop-culture tidbits.
Non-profit avenger. Financial statement sage. Ex-dancer. Organizer of members, convenings, and staff.
Queer African feminist. Tweets on social justice, somatics and philanthropy.
Follow our very own Research and Communications Fellow and twitter-genius, Nick Faggella!