People of Faith for Equality in Virginia


To fulfill our mission, we Build and maintain an interfaith network of laypersons and clergy working for equality and inclusion of all LGBT Virginians in our social, political and religious life; Challenge religiously-based intolerance by offering an alternative vision of what Virginia can be – “the beloved community” that includes and celebrates all and heals injuries based on sexuality, gender, gender identity and expression, and related forms of oppression; Organize congregations, advocate for change, offer educational and devotional resources, sponsor workshops and forums, host interfaith worship services and other events, and maintain an active online presence to provide regular faith-based messaging for equality and justice.

Website | Facebook

This post is part of the Out in the South Assets Database Beta Site developed in 2018. The organization or entities featured on this page are not affiliated with Funders for LGBTQ Issues and information provided here may not be up to date.