Aesha Fadeelah Rasheed



Co-Director, SONG


Aesha Rasheed is a Black, Queer, Muslim body worker and healer, ritual worker and spiritual organizer based in New Orleans. she is currently on spiritual and movement assignment as Co-Director of Southerners on New Ground (SONG), a regional web of queer abolitionist organizers across the South working to build and grow liberation in our lifetimes. she has launched and led numerous community building projects related to shared access and responsibility to public school, growing civic engagement, using story telling to remember and venerate Queer ancestors and building public healing rituals to transmute and transform generational trauma. currently aesha is a co-shaper of sprit grove healing collective, a team of intuitive healers and spirit workers who collectivize their gifts in service to community wellness, earth stewardship and in support of movements for liberation. aesha is a multi-generational Oklahoman who has made home at the mouth of the Mississippi for more than 20 years.