
March 6, 2018
University of Tulsa – Pride
MISSION An organization at the University of Tulsa for queer students and their allies, Pride is dedicated to providing an educational, social, and activist outlet to students who are sensitive to LGBTQ issues. Pride has a strict confidentiality and privacy policy, and is categorically opposed to “outing” or similar breeches of privacy. Facebook
March 10, 2018
University of Virginia – LGBTQ Center
MISSION Supporting the advancement of the University of Virginia’s LGBTQ community. Website | Facebook
February 24, 2018
USA College of Medicine Gay-Straight Alliance
MISSION The College of Medicine Gay-Straight Alliance (GSA) is dedicated to ensuring a safe and friendly academic environment for LGBT students, residents, and faculty in the medical community at the University of South Alabama. As a group of LGBT students and allies, we are committed to embracing diversity on our campus by providing resources, support and a friendly community for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender persons in medical education. Website
March 10, 2018
Vanderbilt Program for LGBTI Health
MISSION The Vanderbilt Program for LGBTI Health works to address health disparities faced by LGBTI communities, improve the health of LGBTI patients, support education around LGBTI health, and foster research on the optimal ways to care for LGBTI patients and families. Website