
February 28, 2018
Western Kentucky University – Pride Center
MISSION The mission of the WKU Pride Center is to support all LGBTQ, questioning, and allied students at Western Kentucky University. The Pride Center works to improve the campus climate for all LGBTQ+ students by advocating for the respect and safety of all members of the campus community through events and educational opportunities. The Pride Center collaborates with other campus programs and groups to support students as they complete their educational goals. Website | Facebook
March 10, 2018
William & Mary Lambda Alliance
MISSION The Lambda Alliance is an organization dedicated to creating a supportive environment for sexually, romantically, and gender diverse, questioning, and allied individuals. We strive to be politically and socially active in our community. Website | Facebook
March 5, 2018
Winston Salem State University – Prism
MISSION We set our purpose, charge, and mission of the Gay-Straight Student Alliance to serve as a support group for the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, hereby referred to by the acronym L.G.B.T and other queer identities on the campus of Winston-Salem State University and their straight allies. It also exercise the task of being a cultural bridge between the stated individuals and their peers by uplifting and encouraging a healthy and positive lifestyle for its members, raise awareness of LGBT civil rights issues, and striving to help students in this group reach higher levels of academic excellence. Website
March 11, 2018
Yes Institute (formerly Project YES)
MISSION The Yes Institute’s mission is to prevent suicide and ensure the healthy development of all youth through powerful communication and education on gender and orientation. Website | Facebook | Twitter