Meet the Team

July 10, 2024

Meet Our Team: Hala

Funders for LGBTQ Issues is proud to introduce Hala (she/they), our new Communications and Storytelling Officer We asked Hala some questions to get to know her better. What do you do at Funders and what strengths do you bring to your work? As the Communications and Storytelling Officer, I am responsible for managing the communications channels at Funders and showing the impact of the work our members’ support can create while amplifying the mobilization of our partners on the ground in the different states. I will be bringing more visual and narrative storytelling to our digital channels from the different […]
March 20, 2024

Meet Our Team: Sammy Luffy

Funders for LGBTQ Issues is proud to introduce Sammy Luffy (she/her), our new Director of Research! We asked Sammy some questions to get to know her better. What do you do at Funders and what strengths do you bring to your work? As the newest Director of Research at Funders, I manage our long-term research projects— such as the Resource Tracking Report— and collaborate with our staff, members, and other stakeholders to conduct impactful research projects that are responsive to the needs of our communities, as well as carry out our organization’s goal to create an abundance of resources for […]
June 12, 2023

Meet Our Team: Alyssa Lawther

The last few months, Funders for LGBTQ Issues has been getting caught up with different members of our team. This month, we’re excited to feature Alyssa Lawther (they/them), our Senior Research Officer!  We asked Alyssa a few questions to get to know them better.  What do you do at Funders? I started at Funders in September 2021 as a Research and Communications Officer, and am now Senior Research Officer. The main project that I work on is our Resource Tracking Report, which is an annual report examining trends, gaps, and opportunities in foundation funding for LGBTQ communities and issues. I also provide […]
February 15, 2023

Meet Our Team: Ashe and Stephen

Funders for LGBTQ Issues is pleased to welcome Ashe Helm-Hernàndez as our new Senior Fellow of Philanthropic Organizing and Stephen Switzer as our new Director of Finance and Administration! We sat down with them to learn more about them and their work.    What strengths do you bring to your work?  In my work, I bring a level of unshakable faith in my personal being, strong character, and respect for all people’s dignity. I draw my strength from my trancestors/ ancestors. I bring a level of diplomacy and discernment to my work. I also try to be courageous when my […]