Lyle Matthew Kan

October 14, 2020

Philanthropy OUTlook: LGBTQ Black Communities

June 2, 2020

Philanthropy OUTlook: LGBTQ Latinx Communities

Philanthropy OUTlook: LGBTQ Latinx Communities, produced in partnership with Hispanics in Philanthropy as a part of their virtual summit, provides an overview of the unique needs of LGBTQ Latinx communities, spotlights the level of philanthropic support they receive, and offers key recommendations for funders looking to better support LGBTQ Latinx people. The infographic highlights severe disparities faced by LGBTQ Latinx communities, particularly in economic opportunity and health outcomes, making LGBTQ Latinx people particularly vulnerable to the current COVID-19 pandemic and economic downturn. The infographic also finds that funding for LGBTQ Latinx people has been slowly increasing when excluding the dramatic spike […]
March 26, 2020

2018 Resource Tracking Report

November 19, 2019

The 2018 Diversity Among Philanthropic Professionals Report: A Tale of Two Sectors – Infographic

This infographic distills findings from The 2018 Diversity Among Philanthropic Professionals Report: A Tale of Two Sectors. Produced in partnership with CHANGE Philanthropy and Emerging Practitioners in Philanthropy (EPIP), both the report and infographic explore diversity in the philanthropic workforce. Overall, we found a statistically significant difference between funders with a social justice focus and all other funders. Social justice funders were much more likely to have higher representation of LGBTQ people, people of color, and people with disabilities. This infographic notes: People of color accounted for 37.8 percent of people on the staff or board of participating foundations. However, the percentage varied […]