Propelling Philanthropic Change for LGBTQ Communities

The Funders for LGBTQ Issues 2019-2021 Strategic Plan


Published: February 7, 2019

Author(s): Lyle Matthew Kan




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Our 2019-2021 strategic plan outlines three primary strategies – and one internal one – that seek to transform the culture of philanthropy by advancing change at the three levels: the sector-wide level, the institutional level, and the individual level.

  1. Transform the philanthropic sector to better understand, support, and improve the lives of diverse LGBTQ communities and movements;
  2. Catalyze institutional change within individual foundations to advance internal policies and practices, as well as grantmaking strategies, to more effectively support LGBTQ communities and advance social justice;
  3. Empower LGBTQ leadership in philanthropy by cultivating a village of LGBTQ-identifying people and allies as champions of LGBTQ inclusion, and racial, gender, and economic justice; and
  4. Aspire to the highest standards of a philanthropic network by effectively communicating our work, building a sustainable and healthy organization, and living our values of LGBTQ, racial, economic, and gender justice.

We recognize that lasting change in philanthropy requires deep engagement and interventions at all three levels, with a consistent racial gender and economic justice lens.

Click here to read a letter from the President about our new strategic plan.