
March 11, 2018
Direct Action Network of San Antonio
MISSION The goal of DANSA is to empower our community to stand up and speak out against discrimination directed at women, the undocumented, LGBTQ citizens, and all those who are disenfranchised. Facebook
March 11, 2018
The Royal, Sovereign and Imperial Court of the Alamo Empire
MISSION The Royal, Sovereign and Imperial Court of the Alamo Empire is a volunteer 501(c)3 organization dedicated to the betterment of the San Antonio community through direct assistance to any city nonprofit agency that assists those living with quality of life and/or medical issues. While our primary focus is on individuals diagnosed with AIDS and HIV disease, our reach into the community touches on a broader range of issues that affects Bexar and surrounding counties as a whole. Website | Facebook
March 11, 2018
Fiesta Cornyation
MISSION We are a fundraiser for LOCAL charities. Since becoming a non-profit organization, Cornyation has donated over $1.3M to local charities. Last year’s beneficiaries include SAAF (San Antonio AIDS Foundation), Beat AIDS (Black Effort Against the Threat of AIDS), and HAC (Help, Action, Care). Website | Facebook
March 11, 2018
San Antonio Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence
MISSION The San Antonio Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, Abbey of The Alamo, Inc shall work to educate the community on safety and health issues, promote awareness of and put an end to bigotry and prejudice. We are an order of 21st Century nuns dedicated to the promulgation of universal joy and the expiation of stigmatic guilt. Our ministry is one of public manifestation and habitual perpetration. No more guilt! Website | Facebook | Twitter