
March 9, 2018
MISSION PFLAG Aiken is committed to advancing equality and societal acceptance of LGBT people through its threefold mission of support, education and advocacy. Website | Facebook
March 9, 2018
MCC Charleston
MISSION MCC Charleston furthers the dominion of God through excellence in joy-filled worship, spiritual and personal growth, congregational care, stewardship and outreach. This is achieved through consistent giving of our time, talent and treasure. Website | Facebook
March 9, 2018
Harriet Hancock Center Foundation
MISSION The Harriet Hancock LGBT Center is a safe and inclusive home, that supports, educates, and empowers the LGBT community, our allies, and our neighbors. Website | Facebook | Twitter
March 9, 2018
Charleston Area Transgender Support Group (CATS)
MISSION CATS was founded in June of 2000. We are the longest running transgender support group in South Carolina. We offer a place where all members of the transgender community can gather to assist and support each other on our respective journeys. Website