
February 28, 2018
SPARK Reproductive Justice NOW!
MISSION SPARK’s mission is to build new leadership, change culture, and advance knowledge in Georgia and the South to ensure individuals and communities have resources and power to make sustainable and liberatory decisions about our bodies, gender, sexualities, and lives. Website | Facebook | Twitter
February 28, 2018
Southerners on New Ground (SONG)
MISSION SONG believes all our identities, issues and lives are connected across race, class, culture, gender and sexuality. SONG is a membership-based, Southern regional organization made up of working class, people of color, immigrants, and rural LGBTQ people. We vision a world where the 3rd shift factory worker and the drag queen at the bar down the block see their lives as connected and are working together for liberation. Website | Facebook | Twitter
February 28, 2018
Southern Comfort Conference Inc
MISSION The Southern Comfort Conference has built a reputation as a safe place for LGBT people with a familial atmosphere, and aims at inclusiveness. It attracts people from all over the United States, offering the opportunity for social and other interaction.From the conference’s founding in 1991 until 2014, the conference was held in Atlanta, GA. At the conclusion of the 2014 Southern Comfort Conference, the board of directors announced that SCC would move to Ft Lauderdale Florida where the conference can continue the education and community it started with while adding an element of vacation to the conference. We would […]
February 28, 2018
MISSION Advancing LGBTQ affirmation and empowerment across the South. Website | Facebook | Twitter