University of North Texas – Pride Alliance


The University of North Texas (UNT) Pride Alliance is a gender and sexuality resource center and a safe and welcoming space for all. The values that drive our work include: Education: Providing information, mentoring, programs, and training that create awareness, understanding, and inclusion of all gender and sexual identities represented within the UNT community. Engagement: Fostering an environment that affirms and celebrates all gender and sexual identities and providing opportunities for personal growth through respectful dialogue, exploring the intersections of identity, and partnership with campus and community organizations. Support: Serving the UNT community through intentional outreach and services and promoting policies and practices that are inclusive of all gender and sexual identities.

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This post is part of the Out in the South Assets Database Beta Site developed in 2018. The organization or entities featured on this page are not affiliated with Funders for LGBTQ Issues and information provided here may not be up to date.