March 2018

March 10, 2018
Gay Fathers Coalition of Richmond
MISSION We are a group of gay fathers that socialize, network, and support each other in each of our personal journeys. GFC RVA members are committed to the following core values: We will be open and honest to all of our members and are committed to support each other. To educate and increase community awareness and to provide outreach to professionals and community organizations to support the challenges and issues facing gay fathers. To build community partnerships to better support gay fathers, their children, and families. We will welcome new members at all times to participate in our meetings and […]
March 9, 2018
Outflix Film Festival
MISSION MGLCC’s Outflix Film Festival celebrates the best films made for or by the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer community every September. Website | Facebook | Twitter
March 9, 2018
Outcentral, Inc.
MISSION OutCentral’s mission is to connect, educate, empower, and build a positive, energy-filled space for greater Nashville’s diverse lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender community. Website | Facebook | Twitter
March 9, 2018
Out Memphis (formerly known as Memphis Gay and Lesbian Community Center)
MISSION OUTMemphis is the main connection point for finding information and connecting with resources related to LGBT issues, and fosters collaboration among a diverse array of LGBT organizations. Website